jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

M6S3 Mis actividades


Momentos del día
Palabras que dan orden a las acciones
At 6 dela morning I wake up, I do my grooming
At 6 dela morning I wake up, I do my grooming
At 6 dela morning I wake up, I do my grooming
At 6 dela morning I wake up, I do my grooming
At 6 dela morning I wake up, I do my grooming
At 7 I open the cyber and start working.
At 7 I open the cyber and start working.
At 7 I open the cyber and start working.
At 7 I open the cyber and start working.
At 7 I open the cyber and start working.
I begin to work in the 7:20 in the morning.
Start to make copies in the 7:15 in the morning
At 7:30 I start the working day printing tasks Cecitech students.
Start the day at work at 7:30 in the morning making copies of social insurance.
Start the day at work at 7:30 in the morning making copies and printing work of students.
at eight in the night we warm coffee.
at eight in the night we warm coffee.
at eight in the night we warm coffee with family.
at eight in the night we warm coffee.
at eight in the night we warm coffee.
At nine p.m. we keep working even in cyberspace.
At nine p.m. we keep working even in cyberspace, waiting for when my client is completed.
at half past eight in the night preparing a job to print.
At 7:25 pm making calls to customers.
at 7:45 in the night making calls, working on a research.
Cyber close at 9:30 pm.
Cyber close at 9:30 in the nigth
Cyber close at 9:30 pm.
Cyber close at 9:30 pm.
Cyber close at 9:30 pm.
I have dinner with my family at 9:30 in the nigth
I have dinner with my family at 9:30 in the nigth
I have dinner with my family at 9:30 in the nigth
I have dinner with my family at 9:30 in the nigth
I have dinner with my family at 9:30 in the nigth
At 10:00 in the night Develop tasks online high school, study, classroom teaching material discharge.
I sleep because I was very tired at 8:00 pm
Develop tasks online high school, study, classroom teaching material  in the 10:00 pm discharge.
At Develop tasks online high school, study, classroom teaching material discharge.
I see a TV while and I sleep on the couch.
I go into bed to rest in the 11:00 pm
resting and enjoying my sleep like at 1:30 in the nigth
I'm going to sleep was a long day in the 12:00 pm
At 11:15, how nice it is to rest and to sleep after a lot of work.
I'm going to sleep was a long day in the 12:00 pm

M6S3 Sus actividades

Palabras que dan orden a las acciones
What does he/she do in the morning?
At 5:00 in the morning he gets up and makes his morning prayer.
At 5:00 in the morning he gets up and makes his morning prayer.
At 5:00 in the morning he gets up and makes his morning prayer.
At 5:00 in the morning he gets up and makes his morning prayer.
At 5:00 in the morning he gets up and makes his morning prayer.
At 6:00 in the morning and ends his prayer breakfast with his wife.
At 6:00 in the morning and ends his prayer breakfast with his wife.
At 6:00 in the morning and ends his prayer breakfast with his wife.
At 6:00 in the morning and ends his prayer breakfast with his wife.
At 6:00 in the morning and ends his prayer breakfast with his wife.
At 7:00 am he goes to his desk and start working.
At 7:00 am he goes to his desk and start working.
At 7:00 am he goes to his desk and start working.
At 7:00 am he goes to his desk and start working.
At 7:00 am he goes to his desk and start working.
What does he/she do in the evening?
Eat with family at 4:00 pm
Always eat at home most likely in between1:00 y 1:30 in the afternoon.
Eat with family at 4:00 pm
Eat with family at 4:00 pm
Eat with family at 4:00 pm
5:40 pm returns from Tuxtla Gutierrez, where it gets to teach.
2:00 pm trip out to visit communities.
6:00 pm trip out to visit communities.
6:00 pm trip out to visit communities.
6:00 pm trip out to visit communities.
6:00 pm after a short break, returns to his desk to work.
At 9:00 PM returns after visiting communities home and rest and get back to work.
At 9:00 pm Simojovel returns and starts working again in their projects.
At 9:00 pm Soyalo returns and starts working as the progress obtained regarding the visit of each of the communities it reaches.
At 9:00 pm every day returns as their exhausted but still motivated to continue working for their communities trips.
What does he/she do at the night?
At 6:30 a while sitting on the sofa and watches TV Overhead.
At night 10 of bathing and continues to work.
At 11 in the night dinner with his wife.
At 11 in the night dinner with his wife.
At night 10 of bathing and continues to work.
At 8 night dela shares part of what has worked in the community and what he has learned.
At 11 in the  night he is still working on the project with great enthusiasm but tired.
At night 12of it makes some adjustments to their work on the progress of each community in which he works.
At 11 in the  night he is still working on the project with great enthusiasm but tired.
At 11 in the  night he is still working on the project with great enthusiasm but tired.
1:00 am at the end of the day decided to rest for a few hours
1:00 am at the end of the day decided to rest for a few hours
1:00 am at the end of the day decided to rest for a few hours
1:00 am at the end of the day decided to rest for a few hours
1:00 am at the end of the day decided to rest for a few hours

Foro de Clase Platicando de


Hola, muy buenas tardes compañeros, facilitador y tutor.
Soy Alma Judith Lopez Gonzalez
Mi rutina diaria es:
Levantarme a las 7:00 de la mañana, hacer mi aseo personal y hacer el desayuno .
Cuando hay clases a listar a los niños para que a las 8:00 de la mañana se vayan a la escuela.
A las 8:00 de la mañana empiezo a trabajar en el ciber.
La hora de la comida es las 4:00 de la tarde donde comemos todos juntos.
Termino de trabajar a las 9:00 de la noche.
Como mi trabajo es un negocio propio por así decirlo, cierro el negocio, entro a casa y cenamos con mi familia, hago mi aseo personal y me acuesto para dormir.


Hola muy buenas tardes
Soy Kate Elizabeth Winslet
Me encanta estar con mis hijos y tener una rutina diaria típica.
Me levanto a las 6:00 de la mañana, leo el libro de la biografia de Walter Isaacson sobre Steve Jobs y otros.
A las 7:00 de la mañana desayuno y alisto a mis hijos para ir a la escuela.
Cuando trabajo mi familia va conmigo, “yo no dejo a nadie en casa”.  Cuando no trabajo a las 2:00 de la tarde salgo de paseo con mi familia.  Estar en la naturaleza con la gente que amo me hace increíblemente feliz.

Al llegar a casa después del trabajo o después de un paseo, tomo una ducha y me acuesto a eso de las 9:00 de la noche.

M6S2 Yo puedo

Cinco habilidades

1. yo puedo escribir poesía.

2. yo puedo vivir la vida.

3. yo puedo estudiar la preparatoria.

4. yo puedo correr.

5. yo puedo hacer manualidades.

five skills.

1. I can write poetry.

2. I can live life.

3. I can study high school.

4. I can run.

5. I can do crafts.

M6S2 Que me gusta y disgusta




       1.       Me gusta comer lentejas 
       2.       Me gusta comer helados
       3.       Me gusta tomar café
       4.       Me gusta tomar refresco
       5.       Me gusta ir al supermercado
       6.       Me gusta ir de compras 
       7.       Me gusta la primavera
       8.       Me gusta el arcoíris
      9.       Me gustan los tulipanes
    10.   Me gustan las mariposas
       1.       Me disgustan los gatos
       2.       Me disgusta el invierno
       3.       Me disgusta el perro
       4.       Me disgusta las galletas
       5.       Me disgusta comer nueces
       6.       Me disgusta comer huevos
       7.       Me disgusta el día nublado
       8.       Me disgusta el viento
       9.       Me disgustan los rayos
     10.   Me disgusta el cactus




1. I like to eat lentils
2. I like to eat ice cream
3. I like coffee
4. I like drinking soda
5. I like going to the supermarket
6. I like shopping
7. I like spring
8. I like the rainbow
9. I like tulips
10. I like butterflies

1. I dislike cats
2. I dislike the winter
3. I dislike the dog
4. I dislike cookies
5. I dislike eating nuts
6. I dislike eating eggs
7. I dislike the cloudy day
8. I dislike the wind
9. I dislike rays
10. I dislike the cactus